Category Ornithology

Flocking Together: Why Birds Form Winter Groups

WildWatch Weekly Flocking Together: Why Birds Form Winter Groups Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube The Perks of Group Living: Why Birds Flock Together in Winter Have you ever looked out your window on a chilly winter morning and noticed a flurry of birds gathering together? From small flocks of chickadees and titmice to vast clouds of starlings moving in synchronized swirls, flocking behavior is a fascinating and essential survival strategy for many species. But why do birds come...

Join the Flock: Celebrating the Christmas Bird Count Tradition

WildWatch Weekly Join the Flock: Celebrating the Christmas Bird Count Tradition Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube The History and Impact of the Christmas Bird Count The Christmas Bird Count (CBC) is one of the longest-running citizen science projects in the world. Organized annually by the National Audubon Society, it began in 1900 as an alternative to a traditional holiday hunting tradition known as the "Christmas Side Hunt." During the Side Hunt, teams of people competed to kill...

Discover the Rose-Breasted Grosbeak: A Colorful Visitor to Your Feeder

WildWatch Weekly Discover the Rose-Breasted Grosbeak: A Colorful Visitor to Your Feeder Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube Male Rose-Breasted Grosbeak Introducing the Rose-Breasted Grosbeak The rose-breasted grosbeak is a striking and melodious songbird that captivates birdwatchers with its bold colors and sweet, robin-like song. Males are easily recognized by their black-and-white plumage and vibrant rose-red patch on their chest, while females sport more subdued brown and...

The Scarlet Tanager: A Hidden Gem of the Forest

WildWatch Weekly The Scarlet Tanager: A Hidden Gem of the Forest Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube Male Scarlet Tanager The Scarlet Tanager The Scarlet Tanager, with its striking red plumage and contrasting black wings, is a captivating sight in the eastern woodlands of North America. Known for its vivid colors, the male Scarlet Tanager is easily recognized during the breeding season. His bright red body and jet-black wings and tail make him one of the most eye-catching birds in...

How Birds Cope with Extreme Heat and How YOU Can Help

WildWatch Weekly How Birds Cope with Extreme Heat and How YOU Can Help Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube How Birds Cope with Hot Weather The unseasonable hot weather in the northeastern United States this July can be attributed to a combination of factors, including climate change and specific atmospheric patterns. According to NOAA, this summer is expected to be one of the hottest on record, influenced by the weakening of El Niño, which often leads to warmer temperatures....

PixCams New Bird Migration Station

PixCams Bird Migration Station Bird migration is the regular seasonal, large-scale, often long-distance movement between breeding and wintering grounds. Many species of bird migrate. Migration behavior is a critical indicator for evaluating environmental health. Scientists use a variety of methods…