Category Wildlife

Fox Den Watch 2025: Promising Sightings on Our Live Cam!

WildWatch Weekly Fox Den Watch 2025: Promising Sightings on Our Live Cam! Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube New Activity Sightings! Exciting news for wildlife enthusiasts—our live streaming cameras have been picking up increased red fox activity, signaling the possibility of a den site this spring! Over the past few weeks, we've captured multiple sightings of red foxes in key areas, with some individuals appearing to scout potential den locations. These observations are...

Tracking the Fisher: New Sightings and the Hope for Spring Kits

WildWatch Weekly Tracking the Fisher: New Sightings and the Hope for Spring Kits Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube Fisher caught on trail camera on 1/26/2025 Expanded Camera Setup Reveals New Sightings and Spring Hopes Our fascination with the elusive fisher continues! After capturing several trail cam photos of this rare predator in in early December, we decided it was time to step up our efforts to learn more. We installed six trail cameras on downed logs scattered across a...

Marvelous Mink: Snowy Adventures Caught on Camera

WildWatch Weekly Marvelous Mink: Snowy Adventures Caught on Camera Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube The Secret Life of Mink This week’s WildWatch Weekly dives into the fascinating world of the mink, one of North America’s most elusive and charismatic mammals. Recently, our cameras captured a rare and delightful sight—a mink frolicking in the snow. Watching this agile creature leap and play in its snowy habitat reminded us just how remarkable these semi-aquatic members of the...

A Rare Fisher Returns

WildWatch Weekly A Rare Fisher Returns Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube New Sightings in Murrysville, PA Caught on Camera Over the past month, PixCams has captured another rare and thrilling moment in wildlife observation—a fisher photographed on the same log where one was spotted this past summer in Murrysville. This time, our strategically placed trail cameras delivered an incredible series of 10 photos, giving us a detailed glimpse into the secretive life of this remarkable...

Adapted for Winter: The Fascinating Snowshoe Hare

WildWatch Weekly Adapted for Winter: The Fascinating Snowshoe Hare Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube Snowshoe Hair Adapted for Survival: The Remarkable Snowshoe Hare As winter blankets the landscape in a shimmering coat of white, one of nature’s most fascinating creatures emerges in its seasonal camouflage: the snowshoe hare. This elusive mammal, found in northern forests across North America, is a master of adaptation. Its snow-white winter coat blends seamlessly with the snowy...

Up Close with Pennsylvania’s Black Bears: A Live Wildlife Camera Moment

WildWatch Weekly Up Close with Pennsylvania’s Black Bears: A Live Wildlife Camera Moment Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube Black Bear Makes a Visit to PA Wildlife Cam 2 The Majestic Black Bear Caught on Camera There's nothing quite like the thrill of catching a glimpse of a wild black bear in its natural habitat. Recently, one of our PixCams live-streaming wildlife cameras captured an incredible moment—a black bear making its way through the Pennsylvania wilderness. For those...

First Glimpse: Capturing a Bobcat on Camera for the First Time

WildWatch Weekly First Glimpse: Capturing a Bobcat on Camera for the First Time Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube Bobcat video captured in Murrysville, PA Unveiling the Elusive: Our First Bobcat Sighting on Camera Capturing a bobcat on video is an exciting milestone for wildlife enthusiasts, and for us at PixCams, it marks a moment of awe and achievement. This elusive predator, known for its secretive nature and striking appearance, has finally graced our cameras with its presence...

What Does it Mean When You See a Piebald Deer? A Look at Wildlife Genetics

WildWatch Weekly What Does it Mean When You See a Piebald Deer? A Look at Wildlife Genetics Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube Piebald whitetail buck photo captured in Murrysville, PA What is a Piebald Deer? The piebald whitetail deer is a rare and captivating sight in the wild. Recognizable by its distinctive coat pattern, a piebald deer displays irregular patches of white and brown fur, giving it a unique look compared to the typical brown and tan of most whitetails. This piebald...

Unexpected Tenants: Eastern Gray Squirrels and Their Cozy Nests in Our Owl Boxes

WildWatch Weekly Unexpected Tenants: Eastern Gray Squirrels and Their Cozy Nests in Our Owl Boxes Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube Young Gray Squirrel Family in Nest Box Secret Sleepers: Why Squirrels Love Nesting in Owl Boxes Eastern Gray Squirrels are known for their adaptability, and one of the ways they show this is by taking refuge in nest boxes, especially those designed for owls. While they often build their own nests, called dreys, in trees using leaves and twigs, they...

Caught on Camera: A Rare Look at a Fisher in the Wild

WildWatch Weekly Caught on Camera: A Rare Look at a Fisher in the Wild Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube Fisher Caught on Trail Camera - June 2024 Meet the Fisher: Pennsylvania's Elusive Forest Predator The fisher (Pekania pennanti) is one of Pennsylvania’s most elusive predators, and spotting one in the wild is a rare and exciting event. These medium-sized mammals, members of the weasel family, are known for their secretive behavior and preference for dense forest habitats. Once...