Category WildWatch Weekly

Quick Guide to Identifying Birds on Our New Live Streaming Feeder Stations in Colombia

WildWatch Weekly Quick Guide to Identifying Birds on Our New Live Streaming Feeder Stations in Colombia Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube BirdSouls Colombia Bird Feeder 2 Spotting Colombia's Feathered Wonders If you're an avid birdwatcher or simply enjoy the beauty of wildlife, you're in for a treat with our new live streaming bird feeder stations located in Colombia. These vibrant feeders are not only brimming with activity, but they’re also situated in one of the most biodiverse...

Fall Owl Box Installation: Get Ready for Screech Owls to Nest in Spring

WildWatch Weekly Fall Owl Box Installation: Get Ready for Screech Owls to Nest in Spring Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube Why Now Is the Perfect Time to Install Screech Owl Nest Boxes Eastern screech owls are small, adaptable birds of prey that rely heavily on cavities for both roosting and nesting. As the fall season arrives and temperatures begin to drop, these owls start seeking out safe, insulated spaces to roost. During the colder months, a well-positioned roosting cavity...

Experience Colombia’s Vibrant Birdlife: Watch Live with Our New Bird Feeder Cameras

WildWatch Weekly Experience Colombia’s Vibrant Birdlife: Watch Live with Our New Bird Feeder Cameras Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube Colombia: A Birdwatcher's Paradise and Avian Wonderland Colombia is a paradise for bird enthusiasts, boasting one of the highest levels of avian biodiversity in the world. With over 1,900 recorded species, including some that are found nowhere else on Earth, the country is a prime destination for birdwatchers and researchers alike. This impressive...

Unexpected Tenants: Eastern Gray Squirrels and Their Cozy Nests in Our Owl Boxes

WildWatch Weekly Unexpected Tenants: Eastern Gray Squirrels and Their Cozy Nests in Our Owl Boxes Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube Young Gray Squirrel Family in Nest Box Secret Sleepers: Why Squirrels Love Nesting in Owl Boxes Eastern Gray Squirrels are known for their adaptability, and one of the ways they show this is by taking refuge in nest boxes, especially those designed for owls. While they often build their own nests, called dreys, in trees using leaves and twigs, they...

Caught on Camera: A Rare Look at a Fisher in the Wild

WildWatch Weekly Caught on Camera: A Rare Look at a Fisher in the Wild Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube Fisher Caught on Trail Camera - June 2024 Meet the Fisher: Pennsylvania's Elusive Forest Predator The fisher (Pekania pennanti) is one of Pennsylvania’s most elusive predators, and spotting one in the wild is a rare and exciting event. These medium-sized mammals, members of the weasel family, are known for their secretive behavior and preference for dense forest habitats. Once...

Fall Feeding: How to Help Hummingbirds Prepare for Migration

WildWatch Weekly Fall Feeding: How to Help Hummingbirds Prepare for Migration Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube Ruby-Throated Hummingbird at Feeder Fall Hummingbirds As the vibrant colors of summer begin to fade and the cooler days of fall set in, you might be tempted to take down your hummingbird feeders, thinking their job is done for the season. However, leaving your feeders up during the fall is crucial for the well-being of these tiny travelers. Hummingbirds rely on a steady...

Discover the Rose-Breasted Grosbeak: A Colorful Visitor to Your Feeder

WildWatch Weekly Discover the Rose-Breasted Grosbeak: A Colorful Visitor to Your Feeder Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube Male Rose-Breasted Grosbeak Introducing the Rose-Breasted Grosbeak The rose-breasted grosbeak is a striking and melodious songbird that captivates birdwatchers with its bold colors and sweet, robin-like song. Males are easily recognized by their black-and-white plumage and vibrant rose-red patch on their chest, while females sport more subdued brown and...

Warblers on the Move: A Fall Migration Spectacle

WildWatch Weekly Warblers on the Move: A Fall Migration Spectacle Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube Blackburnian Warbler About the Fall Warblers Fall warblers in the northeastern United States are a true spectacle of nature, showcasing the wonders of migration as these small, vibrant birds journey southward. As summer fades and autumn sets in, birdwatchers are treated to an array of warblers, each with its own unique color palette and behavior. While spring is often celebrated for...

Capturing Nature: Setting Up Live Wildlife Cameras at St. Xavier for the Westmoreland Land Trust

WildWatch Weekly Capturing Nature: Setting Up Live Wildlife Cameras at St. Xavier for the Westmoreland Land Trust Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube New Cameras to Watch at St Xavier At the Westmoreland Land Trust’s St. Xavier property, a new chapter in wildlife conservation and education is unfolding. PixCams recently set up several live-streaming wildlife cameras across the area, offering a unique, real-time glimpse into the natural world. These cameras are strategically placed...

A Surprise in the Nest Box: Flying Squirrel Family Welcomes New Babies

WildWatch Weekly A Surprise in the Nest Box: Flying Squirrel Family Welcomes New Babies Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube A First for PixCams! At PixCams, we often witness the wonders of nature, but this season brought an unexpected surprise. One of our songbird nest boxes became home to a flying squirrel, who transformed the cozy space into a nursery for her new family. This rare and heartwarming sight is a first for PixCams, offering a unique glimpse into the lives of these...