The PixCams Learning Center includes a collection of educational tools for teachers and individuals who use our live streams for educational purposes. Below are lesson plans and wildlife facts that can be used for classroom education and individuals interested is learning more about nature. The lesson plans can be used in conjunction with the live cameras and YouTube videos but also encourages students to get in the outdoors and explore! If you have any suggestions for the learning center please contact us with any constructive advice/material.
Bald Eagle Lesson Plans
See the Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania Bald Eagle downloadable lesson plans.
Wildlife Lesson Plans
Get the Pennsylvania 4-H Wildlife Conservation Program downloadable workbooks.
Songbird Feeding Tips
Want to attract songbirds to your backyard? Check out our feeder and feeding tips.
Build your own Bird Boxes
We have assembled a variety of bird nest box plans for you so that you can make your own bird boxes.
Pennsylvania Elk Facts
The elk were reintroduced to Pennsylvania starting in 1913 from western states in an ambitious effort by the PA Game Commission.
Install a Live Wildlife Cam
Have you ever wanted to stream your own wildlife camera? If so, we have some new camera kits that will allow you to stream your wildlife to YouTube and other streaming services.
Citizen Scientist Certificate
Downloadable student citizen scientist certificate for teachers. This is for students participating in the collection of citizen science wildlife data.