LMC Bald Eagle Nest Cam 2

Little Miami Conservancy Bald Eagle Nest Camera #2

Months in the planning (and funding support) by LMC and Jurgensen Companies of Sharonville Ohio and others (see below), the dream of a 24/7 live stream camera on this Bald Eagle nest along the Little Miami National Wild & Scenic River became a reality on September 23, 2021. BREAKING NEWS ! October 12, 2021 The Little Miami Bald Eagles returned this morning to the LMC Bald Eagle Nest (Cam) ! Enjoy them LIVE as they visit periodically and ‘spruce up’ the nest for the next generation! Please DONATE to Support these LMC nest cams and the many other LMC river conservation initiatives at https://www.nfggive.com/donation/31-0… and www.littlemiami.org . OFFICAL RELEASE Sept 27, 2021 – Little Miami Bald Eagle Nest Camera Goes Online! Thousands of area birders are celebrating with the official posting today of the Little Miami Conservancy (LMC) Bald Eagle Camera. Months in the planning (and funding support) by LMC and Jurgensen Companies of Sharonville Ohio, the dream became a reality last week. Log on to the Little Miami Conservancy YouTube to view the camera around the clock! Jurgensen Companies ‘s Craig Ousley and Erin Bill issued this joint statement earlier today, “This bald eagle live feed camera is a wonderful way to educate and inform the community of the important efforts being made in the conservation of the species. We’re honored and proud to be a part of this project.” MANY thanks to the Oeder Family and for additional funding support by Stuart Weinberg, the Full Circle Foundation and these River Outfitters- Loveland Canoe and Kayak , Scenic River Canoe Excursions , RiversEdge Outfitters , Morgans Riverside Campground & Cabins , Morgan’s Canoe and Outdoor Adventures, Hope and Larry Bone, Diane and Brad Knapp, and to the ODNR Division of Wildlife for their excellent guidance, and to PixCams and Haddix Tree Service of Loveland, Ohio ( www.treeserviceloveland.com ) for their tremendous pro bono work in installing the cameras ! A FRIENDLY REMINDER – The cameras were installed on September 23, 2021 because Bald Eagle nesting activity is at a minimum this time of year. Check back throughout the Fall and we’ll all enjoy their triumphant return ! If you would like to donate to the LMC Bald Eagle Camera project and LMC’s many other river conservation initiatives, please log on to www.littlemiami.org and Click the DONATE button. Thank You and Happy Birding ! AND Stay tuned for even MORE exciting nest cam news from your Friends at the Little Miami Conservancy… PS. For more information on LMC visit https://www.littlemiami.org/what-we-do

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๐—ก๐—ถ๐—ด๐—ต๐˜๐—ฏ๐—ผ๐˜ ๐—–๐—ต๐—ฎ๐˜ ๐—–๐—ผ๐—บ๐—บ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฑ๐˜€: Type “!commands” into the chat box for a list of common questions/answers about this live stream.ย 

๐—ฅ๐—จ๐—Ÿ๐—˜๐—ฆ: 1. Be nice to everyone; if it’s not nice, don’t say it. 2. Keep it clean and privacy-safe for all. 3. Use common sense. No controversial topics, no offensive remarks, racial, gender or other stereotypes, no posts that are political, religious or excessive in personal detail. No post related to adult beverages or substances. 4. Go easy on the emoji; one is fine; three is getting close to a flock. 5. Turn off the CAPS locks key. 6. Make friends and enjoy the company of others. Wander a bit in conversation, but not too far off the path for too long. 7. No self-promoting of your YouTube channel or other social media account without permission. 8. No talk of killing the animals/birds seen on camera.

๐—ฃ๐—ฅ๐—ข๐—•๐—Ÿ๐—˜๐— ๐—ฆ: No drama please. Should someone ruffle your feathers, let water roll off a duckโ€™s back. Pretend that trolls are invisible; we donโ€™t encourage feeding them. Leave moderation to the moderators. We block trolls, solicitors, spammers and those with disruptive agendas.

๐—ฃ๐—ฅ๐—ข๐— ๐—ข๐—ง๐—œ๐—ข๐—ก: Please promote only PixCams and our official partners or sponsors. We ask that you not redirect to other channels. We thoroughly enjoy being able to use our technology to share these educational experiences and unique insights into nature with our viewers. We are constantly looking for new opportunities to broadcast wildlife to our viewers!