Nest or No Nest? The Pittsburgh Hays Bald Eagles’ Next Move

WildWatch Weekly Nest or No Nest? The Pittsburgh Hays Bald Eagles’ Next Move Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube Hays Eagles Pair Together on Jan 5, 2025 - Photo by Dana Nestini Renewed Hope: Are the Pittsburgh Hays Eagles Preparing to Rebuild? Our bald eagle fans have been eagerly tuning in to watch the live nest camera featuring the iconic Pittsburgh Hays eagles. As you may recall, their nest tragically collapsed this past fall, leaving many wondering what the future holds for...

Hays Eagles Pair Together on Jan 5, 2025 – Photo by Dana Nesiti

Renewed Hope: Are the Pittsburgh Hays Eagles Preparing to Rebuild?

Our bald eagle fans have been eagerly tuning in to watch the live nest camera featuring the iconic Pittsburgh Hays eagles. As you may recall, their nest tragically collapsed this past fall, leaving many wondering what the future holds for this beloved pair.

Recently, we’ve noticed an exciting uptick in activity from the eagle pair in the Hays area. Their presence and behavior suggest they may be preparing for a new chapter, an encouraging sight for eagle enthusiasts and conservationists alike. Could this renewed activity mean they’re planning to rebuild? Let’s explore the possibilities.

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Resilience in the Face of Loss

This past fall, the iconic bald eagle nest at Pittsburgh’s Hays site suffered a devastating collapse during a powerful storm. The nest, cherished by wildlife enthusiasts and a central focus for birdwatchers across the region, was torn apart by strong winds on October 3, 2024. According to reports, the tree holding the nest remained intact, but the structure itself, which had been built and reinforced by the eagles over several years, could not withstand the force of the storm.

The loss was a heartbreaking moment for the Pittsburgh community and the many people who followed the eagles’ journey through live-streamed cameras. The nest had been home to generations of bald eagle fledglings and served as a symbol of the species’ remarkable recovery in the region. Its destruction raised immediate questions about whether the Hays eagles would rebuild their home in time for the upcoming breeding season.

Despite this setback, bald eagles are known for their resilience and resourcefulness. Experts and enthusiasts are now closely monitoring the site to see if the Hays pair will construct a new nest nearby. Eagles often reuse the same location when possible, but they are also capable of selecting a new site within their territory. The timeline for rebuilding is tight, as courtship and nest-building typically take place in late winter, with egg-laying occurring by early spring.

The Hays eagles have long been a symbol of hope and perseverance, and their ability to adapt to this challenge will no doubt capture the hearts of those who have followed their story. Stay tuned for updates as we continue to watch these remarkable birds navigate this new chapter.

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Signs of Hope

Since the collapse of their nest this past fall, the Pittsburgh Hays bald eagle pair has remained highly active in the area, giving hope to wildlife enthusiasts that they may still attempt to nest this year. Observers have frequently spotted the pair perching together near their old nest site, a sign of their continued bond and commitment to the territory. Additionally, the eagles have been seen chasing other bald eagles out of the area, a strong indication that they are defending their territory. This territorial behavior is typical of nesting pairs, as they work to ensure their chosen site is secure from potential intruders.

This activity suggests that the Hays pair has likely marked this area as their nesting territory for the upcoming season. While the loss of their previous nest was a significant setback, there is still ample time for them to construct a new one. January is a critical month for bald eagles in this region, as it provides a window to build or repair nests before egg-laying typically begins in February. These birds are remarkably resourceful, often working quickly to construct sturdy nests using large sticks and other materials from their environment.

The Hays eagles’ behavior offers a glimmer of hope that they are preparing for another nesting season. If they do decide to rebuild, their resilience will once again serve as an inspiring example of nature’s adaptability and determination. We will continue to monitor their activity closely in the coming weeks, keeping an eye out for any signs of nest-building. Stay tuned for updates as we watch this beloved pair navigate their next chapter.

Hays Bald Eagle Flies over Hays Site Jan 5, 2025 – Photo by Dana Nesiti

Strengthening the Bond: How Bald Eagles Prepare for Nesting Season

As we watch the Pittsburgh Hays bald eagles this winter, one of the most fascinating aspects of their behavior is the way they reaffirm their pair bond before the nesting season begins. Bald eagles are monogamous and typically mate for life, but they still engage in bonding rituals each year to strengthen their connection. These rituals include elaborate aerial courtship displays, shared nest building activities, mutual preening, vocalizations back and forth, perching together on a branch, and consistently returning to the same nest year after year with the same mate These activities not only reinforce their bond but also help synchronize their breeding readiness.

Mating usually occurs shortly before the nesting season begins in earnest. While copulation is brief, it is repeated multiple times to ensure successful fertilization. Around this time, the pair begins the labor-intensive process of nest construction or repair. Bald eagles are known for building enormous nests, some of which can weigh hundreds of pounds after years of additions. Using their strong beaks and talons, they collect sticks, branches, and other materials, carefully weaving them into a sturdy structure. The interior is often lined with softer materials like grass, moss, or feathers to create a comfortable environment for the eggs and, later, the eaglets.

In areas like Pittsburgh, bald eagle nest-building typically takes place in January, providing plenty of time to complete the structure before eggs are laid in February. The timing ensures the nest is ready to support the weight of the eggs and growing eaglets during the nesting season. Watching the Hays pair engage in these activities will give us clues about their intentions for the coming year. Their resilience and dedication to the nesting process are a testament to the strength of their partnership and their role as symbols of conservation success.

Bald Eagle Sound Spectrogram Identified and Collected at Hays Eagle Nest Camera

Listening for Eagles: Using BirdNET-Pi to Monitor the Hays Bald Eagles

This year, we’re adding an exciting new tool to our monitoring efforts for the Pittsburgh Hays bald eagles: BirdNET-Pi. This innovative system allows us to analyze the audio signals from the Hays bald eagle camera, listening for eagle vocalizations in real time. Developed using advanced AI technology, BirdNET-Pi is designed to identify specific bird calls and songs from a live audio stream, providing valuable insights into the activity of the local bird population.

Bald Eagle Vocalizations Captured by BirdNET-Pi at Pittsburgh Hays Site

For the Hays bald eagles, this technology offers a unique advantage. By detecting their vocalizations, we can gain a better understanding of their presence and behavior, even when they’re out of view of the camera. Bald eagles use their distinctive calls for communication, especially during the nesting season. These calls can indicate courtship behavior, territorial defense, or interactions between the pair. With BirdNET-Pi, we can track these vocalizations and potentially detect early signs of nesting activity, such as courtship calls or defensive behaviors toward other eagles in the area.

Using BirdNET-Pi enhances our ability to monitor the Hays pair around the clock. The data collected through this system will not only help us predict whether they’ll nest this year but also contribute to a broader understanding of bald eagle behavior in urban environments. As we await updates on their nesting plans, this tool will provide another layer of connection to these iconic birds, allowing us to stay tuned to their story in an entirely new way.

What have we learned?

One of the most valuable insights we’ve gained through using BirdNET-Pi is its ability to detect vocalizations during the nighttime hours. These are moments when no one is actively monitoring or listening to the live camera feed, allowing us to capture activity that might otherwise go unnoticed. By passively recording and identifying audio, BirdNET-Pi opens up a whole new window into the behavior of wildlife during these quieter hours.

Recently, BirdNET-Pi has detected bald eagle vocalizations at night, providing us with important clues about their movements and habits. These vocalizations indicate that the pair is roosting near the nest tree—a promising sign that they are still invested in the site despite recent challenges. This information not only reassures us about their potential to rebuild but also showcases the incredible utility of BirdNET-Pi in helping us monitor and study wildlife in more detail than ever before.

See Hays BirdNET-Pi Here:

Want to build your own BirdNET-Pi system for your backyard? See our How-To post here:

Hays Bald Eagle from Jan 5, 2025 – Photo by Dana Nesiti

Hope in Flight: Will the Pittsburgh Hays Bald Eagles Nest This Year?

As we enter the peak of nesting season, all eyes—and ears—are on the Pittsburgh Hays bald eagles. Despite the loss of their long-standing nest, their continued presence in the area and territorial behavior give us reason to remain optimistic. With tools like the BirdNET-Pi system and the live streaming camera, we’re able to closely monitor their activity and gain deeper insights into their behavior as they navigate this critical time.

The resilience of bald eagles is nothing short of remarkable. From their near disappearance in the mid-20th century to their incredible recovery, they have shown an ability to adapt and thrive even in challenging circumstances. The Hays pair has proven time and again to be a symbol of that strength. Whether they rebuild in their old territory or establish a new nest elsewhere, their story continues to captivate and inspire.

Stay tuned in the coming weeks as we follow the Hays eagles’ journey. We’ll provide updates on any signs of nest construction, vocalizations detected by BirdNET-Pi, and the pair’s overall behavior. Whatever this season brings, one thing is certain: these eagles will remain a cherished part of Pittsburgh’s natural heritage.

Watch the Hays Bald Eagles LIVE Here:

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