Young Gray Squirrel Family in Nest Box |
Secret Sleepers: Why Squirrels Love Nesting in Owl Boxes
Eastern Gray Squirrels are known for their adaptability, and one of the ways they show this is by taking refuge in nest boxes, especially those designed for owls. While they often build their own nests, called dreys, in trees using leaves and twigs, they are opportunistic creatures that seek out the most comfortable and secure spaces they can find. Nest boxes, with their sturdy structure and protection from the elements, offer a perfect hideaway for squirrels, particularly during harsh weather or the colder months.
Owl nest boxes, in particular, provide a snug, enclosed space that mimics the hollow trees squirrels would naturally inhabit. These boxes are often located in areas with an abundance of food, like acorns, nuts, and seeds, which further makes them attractive. With a built-in roof, the boxes keep out rain, snow, and wind, making them a warm and dry retreat for squirrels to sleep, store food, and even raise their young.
Squirrels also benefit from the safety that these nest boxes offer. Elevated off the ground, they are protected from many ground predators. The narrow entrance hole, designed to keep larger animals out, gives squirrels the advantage of a safe, quiet space to sleep away from potential dangers. It’s not uncommon to find a squirrel curled up inside an owl box during the day, peacefully snoozing until it’s time to head out again to forage.
Be sure to check out our Owl Boxes LIVE with the eastern gray squirrels:
Nature’s Acrobats: The Fascinating Adaptability of Eastern Gray Squirrels
The Eastern Gray Squirrel is one of the most familiar and widespread mammals in North America. Known for their bushy tails, nimble movements, and acrobatic leaps between tree branches, these squirrels have successfully adapted to both urban and rural environments. Whether they’re foraging in your backyard or scurrying through the forest, Eastern Gray Squirrels are remarkably resourceful, using their keen memory and sharp instincts to find food and avoid predators.
A staple of their diet includes nuts, seeds, fruits, and even fungi, but they are also opportunistic eaters. In the fall, squirrels gather and bury caches of acorns and other nuts, relying on their remarkable spatial memory to locate them during the lean winter months. This behavior not only helps the squirrels survive through colder seasons but also plays a critical role in the dispersal of tree seeds, aiding in forest regeneration.
Eastern Gray Squirrels are also skilled nest builders, creating leafy dreys high in the trees or taking over abandoned bird nests. In colder weather, they often seek out more secure, sheltered spaces, such as tree cavities or man-made nest boxes. These boxes, often installed for birds like owls or songbirds, offer the perfect sanctuary for squirrels looking for a cozy, protected spot to sleep, raise their young, or escape the elements. Their adaptability and intelligence have made them not only resilient but also a fascinating species to observe, especially as they interact with man-made environments.
Despite their common presence, Eastern Gray Squirrels are far from ordinary. Their playful behavior and curious nature make them captivating to watch, whether they are burying acorns, outsmarting bird feeders, or simply chasing one another up and down trees. Their ability to thrive in diverse environments, from deep forests to bustling city parks, highlights their incredible versatility as one of nature’s great survivors.

Eastern Gray Squirrel Mating Habits and Raising Young
Eastern Gray Squirrels have a unique and adaptable mating system, which allows them to thrive in a variety of environments. Mating occurs twice a year, typically in late winter and again in the summer, giving the species two distinct breeding seasons. Males begin by engaging in a competitive chase, where they pursue a receptive female through the treetops, demonstrating their agility and stamina. This chase is often accompanied by vocalizations, with the male making chattering noises to attract the female’s attention.
After mating, the female assumes all responsibility for raising the young. She builds a sturdy nest, either a drey made of leaves and twigs high in the trees, or she may seek out a more secure location, like a tree cavity or a nest box, to ensure her young are protected from predators and the elements. The gestation period lasts around 44 days, after which the female gives birth to a litter of 2-4 kits, though litters can occasionally be larger.
At birth, the kits are tiny, blind, and hairless, relying entirely on their mother for warmth, nutrition, and protection. The mother nurses her young for about two months, during which time they grow rapidly, developing fur and opening their eyes after about four weeks. Around eight to ten weeks of age, the young squirrels begin to explore their surroundings and gradually start foraging for food, though they will remain close to the nest for several more weeks under their mother’s watchful eye.
By the time they are fully weaned, usually around three months old, the young squirrels are ready to venture out on their own. They begin to establish their own territories, often staying close to where they were born. Eastern Gray Squirrels are relatively quick to mature, with females becoming sexually mature at around one year of age, ensuring that the cycle of life continues in forests, parks, and backyards across their range.
Watch Eastern Gray Squirrels Live: Explore Their World with PixCams
Eastern Gray Squirrels are not only a vital part of our ecosystems but also fascinating creatures to observe. From their agile foraging habits to their complex mating rituals and nurturing care for their young, these squirrels are a perfect example of adaptability and resilience in nature. Whether they’re caching acorns for the winter or finding creative ways to use nest boxes for shelter, Eastern Gray Squirrels captivate with their resourcefulness and playful behaviors.
Thanks to modern technology, you don’t have to venture into the woods to witness these amazing creatures up close. At, you can watch Eastern Gray Squirrels live from the comfort of your home through our network of live streaming wildlife cameras. Whether they’re scurrying around in search of food or taking shelter in an owl nest box, you can observe their daily activities and gain a deeper appreciation for the role they play in their environment.
Tune in to our live feeds at to enjoy a window into the world of these energetic squirrels and other local wildlife. With cameras strategically placed in natural settings, you’ll be able to see firsthand how these animals interact with their surroundings and each other. It’s a fun, educational experience that brings nature right to your screen, allowing you to enjoy the beauty and complexity of wildlife at any time of day.