Category Owls

Fall Owl Box Installation: Get Ready for Screech Owls to Nest in Spring

WildWatch Weekly Fall Owl Box Installation: Get Ready for Screech Owls to Nest in Spring Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube Why Now Is the Perfect Time to Install Screech Owl Nest Boxes Eastern screech owls are small, adaptable birds of prey that rely heavily on cavities for both roosting and nesting. As the fall season arrives and temperatures begin to drop, these owls start seeking out safe, insulated spaces to roost. During the colder months, a well-positioned roosting cavity...

Owlet Have Hatched: Two Nests to Watch!

WildWatch Weekly Owlet Have Hatched: Two Nests to Watch! Live Cams Latest Posts Store Facebook YouTube Eastern screech owls in PixCams Owl Box 5 with four owlets Owlets Have Hatched! We have two eastern screech owl nest on our owl boxes this season and both nest have successful hatches. This is the first time in over 10 years since we started this project that we have had two nests in our owl boxes. First and second egg hatched on 4/22/2024 in Owl Box 4 The nest in Owl Box 4 is home to a pair...